Rufford No-28388
RGB UAV imagery was acquired by Phantom 4 FC330 (12.5MP) and Phantom 4 PRO FC6310S (20MP) cameras. Flights were conducted on altitude range 20-120m in order to capture and compare different image resolution and subsequent photogrammetric products quality. Depending on the waterbody size 15 to 250 (600) photos were captured per each flight in order to cover the whole lake/pond area and to obtain at least 30% of cross strip and 60% in strip image overlap. UAV Images are stitched into georeferenced orhtomosaics covering total pond/lake area
The orthomosaics are processed and classified with supervised pixel- and object-based image classification approaches, in order to:
- distinguish the dominant vegetation (habitat) types
- extract additional habitat variables such as: pond surface, wood debris, lateral connectivity andnaturalness of land cover types in riparian zone..